Safe in Custody Festival

Suara Rakyat Malaysia (SUARAM) is proud to present the #SafeInCustody Festival, a celebration of hope and a call to action for a world without torture. Through music, art, and community engagement, we aim to inspire positive change in society and promote respect for the human rights of all detained persons.
The festival's two-day program includes public speaking, a music show, a documentary screening, police power & your rights training, showcasing artworks submitted to the Malaysian Youth Action Against Torture (MYACT) cartoon competition, and materials from #SafeinCustody partners such as CrCF (Thailand) and TFDP (The Philippines). Local partners, the ACT4CAT coalition, will promote their campaign items, and be part of the organizing team. This activity is in line with objective 3 of the project: to change public mindsets towards rejection of torture and ill-treatment by the police, by increasing the knowledge of rights and mobilising artists and youth.
The festival will be a platform to engage and educate the public about the importance of human rights and the rejection of torture and ill-treatment by the police. The moderator will play a significant role in explaining the significance of each art form and its connection to the campaign. The festival will be an avenue to raise awareness and inspire positive change in society, particularly in the criminal justice system.
